Ancient Tree Inventory blog

  • Ancient trees recorded in lockdown

    Kate Lewthwaite and Sally Bavin, 06/11/2020

    As we begin to enter a second national lockdown in England, and as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland continue with their existing lockdowns, we wanted to take a moment to look back at some of the amazing trees that have been captured this year despite current circumstances. Remarkably, the trees below were all captured in the spring lockdown, showing that even amidst these unprecedented times we can still record amazing trees every day and that we are still finding them on our doorsteps. And that’s all thanks to the very special and dedicated audience of recorders and volunteers who are still committed to adding special trees to the ancient tree inventory.

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  • Guest Blog | The Special Ancient Trees of UK Golf Courses


    Sometimes you may be surprised to find where the largest and most extraordinary trees have been recorded. With most golf courses being private access only, it is very easy to forget them as sites that have great potential for ancient trees!

    Take a look at this special feature on the amazing ancient trees that can be found on some of the UK's golf courses, written by guest author James Hutchinson from the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association’s (BIGGA).

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  • Ancient Tree Inventory | 2019 Annual Summary

    David Alderman, ATI Admin, 10/02/2020

    Since the start of the project, the ancient tree inventory (ATI) has continued to grow year after year with fantastic results, and 2019 was no exception! This blog has been created to share some of the key highlights and successes of the project from 2019.


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  • Trees of the month | December 2019

    David Alderman, 19/12/2019

    In this festive season it is interesting to see that 41 specimens of the common ivy (Hedera helix) have been recorded on the ATI....

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  • Highlights | September 2019

    David Alderman, 22/10/2019

    September appeared to go by far too quickly, but not before 609 new trees had been recorded on the ATI of which 449 (74%) are already verified...

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Showing 16 to 20 of 28 results

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