What we record
Old trees are extraordinary. Some of them have lived for thousands of years, linking us with our history and culture. And they have astonishing ecological value too, supporting thousands of species.
When it comes to these special trees, the UK is immensely important. We have a phenomenal number of ancient and veteran trees compared with the rest of Europe. There are thousands all across the UK, from the oldest churchyard yews to lone oaks standing in a field.
They need protecting and caring for, but first we need to find out where they are. Here’s our guide to spotting ancient, veteran and notable trees so you can help us put them on the map.
To take a look at some of the most popular species recorded see the species guides.
Ancient trees
Ancient trees
An ancient tree is in the third and final stage of its life. How old an ancient tree is depends on the species. Some species can live longer than others with yews, oaks and sweet chestnuts topping the age charts at over 1000 years.
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Veteran trees
Veteran trees
A veteran tree will have some of the features found on an ancient tree, but won't have the great age. Although they're not as old as ancient trees, they're still incredibly important.
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Notable trees
Notable trees
Notable trees are usually mature trees which may stand out in the local environment because they are large in comparison with other trees around them.
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Where can I find ancient trees?
Where can I find ancient trees?
Most of the UK's ancient trees are on sites that made up the extensive royal hunting grounds.
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What are the UK's oldest trees?
What are the UK's oldest trees?
Discover some of the UK's oldest trees, from 5,000 year old yews to 1,000 year old oaks.
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